Through a series of exercises myofunctional therapy works to create and support and promote nasal breathing, proper lip seal and tongue placement, all important factors in optimal oral and whole-body health. Myofunctional therapy strives to support optimal growth, function, posture and overall health of the face, jaw and mouth. Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD’s) are disorders caused by imbalance of the muscles of the face and mouth. The balance of our muscles is determined by the position of our tongue in our mouth as well as the way we swallow. Tongue-tie, allergies, physical obstructions or damage to the nose, oral habits like thumb sucking or nail biting all contribute to mouth breathing. Since our body will always prioritize breathing, the need to breathe through our mouth can affect breastfeeding, facial development and growth, speech, chewing, swallowing, bite balance, jaw movement, the success of orthodontic treatment, oral hygiene, sleep and more.

Myofunctional therapy is great for kids while they are still growing and can be supported while their face and jaw are still developing. However, adults can also benefit from the work whether in conjunction with orthodontics or not. Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may find positive results from myofunctional therapy through the support of nasal breathing and proper tongue position.

Treatment typically lasts 6-12 months, weekly at first, and then tapering as progress improves. Daily exercises are what create treatment success. Therefore the dedication and motivation of the patient, and family, is needed to create lasting change.

Myofunctional Therapy Patient Portal (Click here)

Interested in Soma bodywork, massage or myofunctional therapy?
Please call 206.856.0394.
Wallingford Neighborhood, Seattle | Langley, Whidbey Island

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